Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska -

Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests
25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska

December 7 - 9, 2017.


1. Marina Nikolić Topalović, University College of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, , Serbia
2. Milenko Stanković, Arhitektonsko-građevinsko-geodetski fakultet Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sažetak: Na globalnom nivou uočen je trend opadanja količine dostupne sveže voda, dok se povećava koričina upotrebljene vode, usled porasta potreba stanovništva, poljoprivrede i industrije. Cement je jedan od dominantnih građevinskih materijala koji se koristi u građevinskoj industriji širom sveta. Za potrebe istraživanja urađeno je poređenje pet cementnih mešavina. U istraživanju se koristi analiza životnog ciklusa (LCA), metodologija koja je osnov za analizu uticaja tokom životnog ciklusa građevinskih proizvoda. Za obraču se koristi programski paket BEES, Nacionalnog instituta za standardizaciju i tehnologiju (NIST), Sjedinjenih Američkih država. Analizirano je pet vrsta cementa, sa aspekta potrošnje vode i uticaja na vodne resurse, životnu sredinu, i zdravlje ljudi, kao i ekonomski aspekt. Istraživanje je pokazalo da se u fazi projektovanja primenom softverskih paketa može upravljati kvalitetom životne sredine. Istraživanje ukazuje i na potrebu za nacionalnim programskim paketom za vrednovanje građevinskih proizvodi i materijala. Time bi se unapredilo projektovanje, nacionalna građevinska industrija i favorizovali materijali sa povoljnim karakteristikama i manjim uticajem na vodne resurse ali i životnu sredinu. Apstrakt: Globally, there is a declining trend in the amount of available fresh water, while the amount of it used is increasing, due to the growing needs of the population, agriculture and industry. Cement is one of the dominant building materials used in the construction industry worldwide. For the purposes of the research, a comparison of five cement mixtures was made. The research uses Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), a methodology that is the basis for the analysis of the impact during the life cycle of construction products. The software package BEES, National Institute for Standardization and Technology (NIST), United States of America is used for calculation. Five types of cement were analyzed, from the aspect of water consumption and impact on water resources, environment, and human health, as well as the economic aspect. The research has shown that in the design phase, the application of software packages can be used to manage the quality of the environment. The research also indicates the need for a national software package for the evaluation of construction products and materials. This would improve the design, the national construction industry and favor materials with favorable characteristics and less impact on water resources and the environment.

Key words:
building materials,life cycle analysis,cementitious materials,ecological impact,water footprint.,građevinski materijali,analiza životnog ciklusa,cementni materijali,ekološki uticaj,vodeni otisak.

Thematic field:
SYMPOSIUM A - Science of matter, condensed matter and physics of solid states

Date of abstract submission:

Contemporary Materials 2020 - Savremeni materijali

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