Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska -

Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests
25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska

December 7 - 9, 2017.

Usage of the method of seismic refraction while investigating coal deposits

1. Vladimir Manevski, Macedonia
2. Todor Delipetrov, Faculty of natural and technical sciences, Macedonia
3. Strase Manevski, Macedonia
4. Blagica Doneva, University of Goce Delcev, Faculty of natural and technical sciences, Macedonia
5. Marjan Delipetrev, Macedonia

The usage of the seismic investigations while defining the geological characteristics of ore deposits, is quite effective when determining the depth to the ore body itself as well as its presence in certain area. The precision and effectiveness of the method of seismic refraction is significantly increased when the method is applied when researching horizontally layered structure, which is characteristic for coal deposits. The seismic refractive investigations are presented through curves that represent the dependence between the distance and time of registration of the elastic waves. With a process of interpretation of the data are obtained the registered velocities of elastic propagation from which is constructed the seismic model. Through correlation of the seismic velocities and the elastic characteristics of the geological formations, the obtained seismic model is presented through the defined lithological structures. The obtained seismic models can be used prior or complementary with the geological investigations.

Key words:
seismic,refraction,elastic waves,geomechanical parameters

Thematic field:
Geological activities and economics of mineral-raw material complex

Date of abstract submission:

7th Balkan Mining Congress

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