Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska -

Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests
25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska

December 7 - 9, 2017.


1. Isak Karabegović, Tehnički fakultet u Bihaću, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina

ABSTRACT: As it is well known, the fourth industrial revolution, entitled "INDUSTRY 4.0" appeared for the first time at the Hannover Fair in 2011. It comes from the high-tech strategy of the German federal government that promotes automation and computerization of industry. Ever since 2012, the working group of the German government presented recommendations for the introduction of "Industry 4.0" in the production processes. The strategy consists of adjustment of industrial production to complete smart automation, which means the introduction of self-automation method, self-configuration method, self-diagnosing and removal of problem, knowledge and intelligent decision making. The central figures of "Industry 4.0" are industrial robots, as well as service robots. Their application in all production processes, with the support of information technology, will lead to "intelligent automation" and "intelligent factories". In the nearby future (expected by 2025), machines, devices, robots and humans need to be mutually connected, so that they can work side by side and communicate with each other via the internet platform (IOT). Information systems will create a virtual copy of the physical world, which will allow the action in one place to change a real process of industrial production. This enables decentralization of decision-making, so that the production processes will make decisions independently, whereas in the event of a fault or conflicting objectives the decisions will be delegated to a higher level. Along with the fourth industrial revolution, Japan is developing and conducting "robotic revolution" as well. Robotic revolution refers to the use of robots in all production processes, and use of robots in real life, so that they can be of service to man in everyday life. The robots will be networked so that they can communicate among themselves and make decisions. The paper states the role of robots in the fourth industrial revolution, as well as predictions of the development and implementation of robots in the industrial processes. Smart automation or smart factories will create a society in which the wealth, created through the strengthening of global competitiveness, would serve to meet social issues in the society.

Key words:
Keywords: industrial robot,service robot,intelligent automation,industry 4.0,smart factory,robotic revolution.

Thematic field:
Mechanics and Design

Date of abstract submission:

13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

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