Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska -

Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests
25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska

December 7 - 9, 2017.

Automated Manual Transmission - A Challenge for the Future

1. Mirsad Trobradović, Faculty of Mechanical Engeneering, Sarajevo, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Boran Pikula, University of East Sarajevo, Faculty for Mechanical Engineering East Sarajevo, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Ivan Filipović, Faculty of Mechanical Engeneering, Sarajevo, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina
4. Dzevad Bibic, Faculty of Mechanical Engeneering, Sarajevo, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Steady rise in oil prices on the world market, and increasingly expressed concern about climate change imposes new trends in the development of modern vehicles, with particular emphasis on improving the energy efficiency of vehicles. One of the systems that significantly affect the energy efficiency of vehicles is a system for transferring power from the engine to the wheels (vehicle transmission). There are two types of transmissions, manual and conventional automatic transmissions, still dominated in modern vehicles. Manual transmission is simpler, cheaper to produce, more reliable, easier to maintain, and has a high efficiency. On the other hand, the automatic transmission is very simple to use and provides much more comfort for the driver and passengers in relation to manual transmission. Gear change is done automatically, thus creating the possibility for optimization of the transmission, according to desired criteria. Between these two types of transmission is, conditionally said, a third type of transmission - automated manual transmission. Automated manual transmission offers the possibility of combining the good features of manual and automatic transmission - comfort of automatic transmission, and level of utilization of manual transmissions. Therefore, the development of transmission in the past ten years has been given great attention. The paper will explain the basic principles and benefits of automated manual transmission, and provides an overview of its achievements in the field of development.

Key words:
transmissions,automated transmissions,gear change

Date of abstract submission:

DEMI 2013

Applied paper from author

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