Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska -

Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests
25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska

December 7 - 9, 2017.


1. Igor Shesho, FFaculty of Mechanical Engineering Skopje, Macedonia
2. Dame Dimitrovski, FFaculty of Mechanical Engineering Skopje, Macedonia
3. Marko Serafimov, FFaculty of Mechanical Engineering Skopje, Macedonia

NEARLY ZERO ENERGY BUILDINGS (nZEB), PLANING AND POSSIBILITIES FOR APPLICATION The European Council in 2007 adopted ambitious energy and climate objectives for 2020 - to reduce greenhouse gas emission by 20%, rising to 30% if the conditions are right to increase the share renewable energy to 20%, and improvement in energy efficiency to 20%. Commercial and residential buildings use almost 40% of the primary energy and approximately 70% of the electricity (EIA 2005). The energy used bu the building sector continues to increase, primarily because new buildings are conctructed faster than the old ones are retired. In the recast of the EPBD-Article 9 is required: by 31 December 2020 all new buildings should be nearly zero energy buildings. Although with the EPBD everything is declared what should be done for increasing the nZEB, the member states have genrated different definitions about nZEB which affect the on possible solutions. In this paper will be analyzed the possible impact of the different definitions for nZEB on the policies and incentives for increasing the number of nZEB and the ways of transforming the existing buildings into nZEB. Also will be given overview of several definitions of the means in practice, how it is defined in different EU Member States with a particular difference in usage between North America and Europe. Beside the general ZEB definition it will be defined-analyzed terms for: Net zero site energy use, Net zero source energy use, Net zero energy emissions, Net zero cost, Net off-site energy use, Net off-site zero energy use, Off-the-grid.

Key words:
nearly zero energy buildings,greenhouse gas emission,renewable energe sources,energy efficiency,definition of the ZEB

Date of abstract submission:

DEMI 2013

Applied paper from author

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