Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska -

Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests
25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska

December 7 - 9, 2017.

Treatment of aniridia associated with infantile cataract

1. Allen Popović-Beganović, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Treatment of aniridia associated with infantile cataract Authors: Allen Popović-Beganović, Maliha Halilbašić, Svjetlana Terzić, Edvina Spahić-Saračević Eye Clinic University Clinical Centre Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Purpose: To present possible treatment options for congenital aniridia with special emphasis on literature review on current therapeutic possibilities, assessment of safety and efficacy primary black diaphragm aniridia intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Special attention was given to IOL power calculation dependent on axial length. Methods: Case report. 5 year old boy was presented at eye clinic University clinical center Tuzla with aniridia in both eyes, developed eye vision (VOD:0,2 and VOS:0,5), no nystagmus or strabismus, associated with infantile cataract in right eye. It is a case of familiar aniridia, mother and grandmother are affected. Patient underwent eye examination in general anesthesia were aniridia associated with infantile developmental cataract and incipient keratopathy were found. Results: Cataract extraction with a foldable acrylic diaphragm IOL implantation is successfully used to correct aniridia in patients with congenital aniridia and infantile cataract. IOL calculation is dependent on age and axial length. Special attention should be given to posterior capsule opacification prevention with posterior capsulorexis and possible anterior vitrectomy. Conclusions: Cataract extraction with diaphragm IOL implantation can be used to correct aniridia with significant visual functioning improvement. Amblyopia can be prevented with appropriate cataract extraction timing and correct IOL calculation. Esthetic results are satisfactory and photophobia is reduced to minimum. Key words: aniridia, infantile cataract, black diaphragm IOL

Key words:
aniridia, infantile cataract, black diaphragm IOL

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II Kongres oftalmologa BiH

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